Informal Archives: Capturing Family Memories

Emily Sienkiewicz

This workshop aims at collectively exploring different shapes and forms of informal family archives and oral histories’ role in keeping family memories alive. Informal family archives could include (but are not limited to): letters, photographs, clothes, audio recordings, videos, etc. Participants are encouraged to bring along and share one item from a family collection and share memories and stories associated with it. We will be discussing: tangible and intangible memories, what is an archive? And what we practically need to create one. For details see

A brown box labeled photos with old photos spilling out of it sits in front of a black background. The box is on top of a lace doily.

Resources for Organizing and Digitizing Your Materials

Kaitlyn JarnaginPreservation Leave a Comment

Getting started with organizing and digitizing your materials can be a challenge. Do you feel overwhelmed by pulling all your materials together and organizing them? Do you have lots of photos in scrapbooks, documents in folders, home videos on VHS tapes, or other media that you don’t even have a player for? What equipment do you need to digitize your materials? What settings are best for different media types? We’ve compiled some resources for organizing and digitizing your own materials to help you get started. It’s hard to find comprehensive resources for organizing and digitizing your materials at home. We’ve done the research for you so you can focus on the important work of organizing …

Prepare a Shared Folder for Your Next Special Occasion

Robert FriedmanHolidays, Our Features, Preservation Leave a Comment

Preparing for an upcoming celebration with is as simple as setting the table for your family and friends. Shared folders are a safe and secure way to gather and preserve the memory of your important traditions. They keep your family and friends connected throughout the years. Shared folders make it possible for you and all the special people in your life to easily collect and enjoy your photos, videos, and documents together.  Here’s why you should add a shared folder to your event planning checklist. Traditions Are The Stories That We Write Together We all have special traditions that we cherish and hold dear, whether they are observed with our family, our friends, our …

The Photo Managers Conference 2022

The Permanent TeamPreservation, Uncategorized Leave a Comment

Amberly Russell, Preservation Services Manager The Photo Managers Conference Speaker, Denver, 2022 I have the privilege of speaking at The Photo Managers Conference, which is happening in Denver, CO from March 24th-26th! I put together a class that will help professional photo organizers (and really anyone) get motivated to create high quality, digital archives for their clients and families. Once you take the class I am sure you will be eager to get started digitizing your photos with a professional or helping someone else, such as a client, do this. Simply start by creating a account and then check out the resources below where you will find marketing tips, family tree organizers, and more! …