Genealogy Activity Books for Kids
Project Recipe: Genealogy Activity Books for Kids
When we pour our time and energy into researching our family history and capturing the details of biological or adopted genealogy we generally do it with a mission to preserve these stories for future generations.
But what if the next generation doesn’t care?
This is a topic we keep coming back to with Projectkin because it’s so fundamental to what fuels us: Legacy. If nobody cares, what will it matter that it’s preserved?
Join us for a special project recipe program with noted genealogist Sindi Broussard Terrien a research genealogist, specializing in Acadian and Cajun women.
Family-tested, family-proven projects
When Sindi learned that fellow genealogists were discouraged by family members’ lack of interest in genealogy and family history, she put together the book and activity book to capture fun ways she’d been using to include family history and genealogy at parties and get-togethers (both can be purchased on Amazon.)
“Genealogy Fun While Developing New Genealogists” and its companion,
“Fun with Genealogy Activity Book 1”
An Activity Book just for YOUR family!
In this Project Recipe event, Sindi will share a recipe for creating your own family history activity book. She’ll share not only tactical details in producing the book, but also tips and lessons learned from creating the activities and projects books.Our program includes her talk as well as a Q&A session.
Recording, recipe & resources free to Projectkin members
At the conclusion, all Projectkin members will get a link to the Project Recipe (a written summary of how you can reproduce it), any shared links and resources, and the recording. Recipes include instructions, tips, and lessons learned.
This program will be held online via Google Meet.